Each year there are numerous events and activities that are supported by the Winnebago County 4-H Leaders’ Association.
- Club meetings
- Project learning
- Recreational Events like 4-H Summer Camp
- Member & Volunteer awards and recognition
- State, National and International leadership opportunities for youth
- Expanding access and creating new pathways so youth can access 4-H and positive youth development programming within schools and other organizations such as Boys and Girls Clubs
Below are some options for making donations to the Winnebago County 4-H Program:
Support this year’s programs/activities…
Donate Now!
Thank you for donating to the 4-H program! The Winnebago County 4-H Leaders’ Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, so your gift is tax-deductible.
Please send your gift to:
Winnebago County 4-H Leaders’ Assoc.
625 E County Road Y
Suite 600
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Please include if there is a specific person or fund that the contribution is given in honor or memory of. If you are honoring a person, please include their address.
Support outreach and expanding access efforts to grow our 4-H program within Winnebago County
Donate to the WI 4-H Foundation, Winnebago County 4-H Directed Funds
Funds may be donated through the WI 4-H Foundation which are then funneled directly to the Winnebago County 4-H program to support special programming and initiatives that help attract new members and grow our 4-H programming. These programs reach all youth including youth of diverse backgrounds and underserved populations within our schools and organizations such as Boys & Girls clubs where some barriers to traditional 4-H programming exist. We are committed to identifying new pathways to 4-H membership. 4-H for ALL!
Donations can be made here: https://wis4hfoundation.org/winnebago-county-4-h/
Or a check can be made out to: UW Extension, Winnebago County
Mailed to: Winnebago County 4-H Program / 625 E Cty Rd Y, Ste 600, Oshkosh WI 54901
Support long-term financial stability and growth…
Donate to the Educational Endowment Fund
The Winnebago County 4-H Endowment Fund was established to supplement the annual 4-H Leaders’ Association budget. The endowment will provide future financial stability to:
- Expand 4-H educational programs
- Offer assistance to assure affordability for participation in educational experiences
- Create new 4-H programming opportunities for youth in Winnebago County
Since its inception, the fund has collected over $66,000 in donations from businesses, former Key Award winners, alumni, 4-H leaders/volunteers, members, clubs and many other supporters throughout Winnebago County. The Winnebago County 4-H Educational Endowment fund is managed by the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation.
To donate by mail:
- Make checks payable to the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation
- Include a memo indicating that the donation should go to the “Winnebago County 4-H Educational Endowment fund”
- Oshkosh Area Community Foundation
230 Ohio Street, Suite 100
Oshkosh, WI 54902
To donate online:
Consider leaving a Legacy to Winnebago 4-H:

Thank You For Your Generous Donations!
Winnebago County 4-H would like to thank the following businesses and organizations for their support of the Endowment Fund. If you need any of their services, please consider supporting these businesses as a “thank you” for supporting 4-H in Winnebago County.

Businesses & Organizations
- Animal Analysis, Fremont
- Associated Veterinary Clinic LLC, Ripon
- Ballweg Implement
- Central Star Cooperative
- D & J Trucking
- Galloway Company, Neenah
- Henschel Milk Service, LLC
- Homestead Mutual Insurance
- Kettlewell Welding & Concrete, Inc.
- Knigge Farms, LLC
- M.P.B. Builders, Inc.
- Omro Pharmacy
- Pickett Lions Club
- Plainview Travel
- Rusch Homes (Tom Rusch)
- Union Star Cheese
- United Cooperative
- Waupun Veterinary Services
- West Side Tire and Auto Center
- Winnebago County Farm Bureau
- Winneconne Businessmen’s Club
- Wisconsin Holstein Breeders Association
- Lakeview 4-H Club
- Ridgeway 4-H Club