(Print or share the 2023 JPCC Meeting Room Policies Brochure)

All meeting room reservations must be made through the Extension Winnebago County office online: https://winnebago.extension.wisc.edu/meeting-rooms/
or by phone (920) 232-1970.
All cancellations must be reported to the Extension office as soon as possible. Failure to report cancellations will result in the loss of privilege to use the rooms.
- Meeting room users must check in and check out for their meeting with the UW-Extension office for access to cleaning supplies, technology/equipment, green card, keys, and expectations (as applicable).
- Meeting room users are responsible for picking up a check-out key for any meetings scheduled outside regular building hours (8:00am – 4:30pm, Monday—Friday, excluding holidays). Keys may be checked out 1—3 days in advance from the Extension office during the business hours of 8:00am—4:30pm, Monday—Friday, excluding holidays.
- For after-hours meetings, it is recommended to lock the main entrance doors after your group is inside for security precautions.
- Meeting room users are responsible for locking up the building if meeting after hours. Return check-out keys in person or deposit in the drop-box in the main hallway near the Meeting Room Schedule TV.
- Please Note: For security purposes, no one is allowed in the building between the hours of 11:00pm—7:00am.
- Do not sit on tables or stand on furniture.
- Extension provides available audio/visual equipment for meeting room users. Users are responsible for check-out of any needed equipment during business hours or must make arrangements with Extension staff to have equipment available for meetings scheduled outside of business hours.
- Users are responsible for any lost/damaged equipment.
- Users are responsible for returning borrowed equipment to the Extension Office.
- Limited technology support available from Extension Staff
- Meeting room users are responsible for their own set-up, service, and clean-up of all food/refreshments, including vacuuming. Vacuums/cleaning products are located in the designated meeting room closets/cabinets. A closing checklist is available on the wall of each meeting room.
- Extension does not provide meeting supplies, coffee, utensils, or room arrangement set-up/clean-up.
- Photocopying is available for a charge.
- Meeting room users are responsible for returning the room to its standard arrangement. Diagrams for furniture arrangement are posted on the wall of each meeting room or in this Meeting Room Policies brochure. Lights must be turned off. Stove must be off. Coffee pots must be off.
- Meeting room users are responsible for completing a “green card” with the following information: meeting name, date, attendance, closing checklist, and space for comments. Cards may be returned in person or left in the drop-box in the main hallway near the Meeting Room Schedule TV.
- Any issues experienced with the meeting rooms should be reported directly to Extension staff or on the “green card”. This includes any instances where rooms were not clean or arranged according to the diagram prior to the start of your meeting, or incidents requiring our attention (any damage or cleaning required).
- Arrangements for mothers needing to nurse/express breast milk can be made through the Extension office in person or at (920) 232-1970.