4-H Announcements 2/9/2024

WINTER PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP WITH ART EICHMAN February 17th at JPCC from 1-AM to Noon Learn tips and tricks for winter photography. This event will begin inside at JPCC and then we will move outside to practice skills! Register at: https://bit.ly/3NizUqw RABBIT PROJECT MEETING Rabbit Showing 101 February 25th @ JPCC 12:00-1:30PM Come and learn about rabbit […]


4-H Announcements 2/2/2024

Happy Groundhog’s Day! Jimmy, our WI groundhog, predicted an early spring! Here are this week’s updates… DOG PROJECT Agility & Scentwork Seminar at the Oshkosh Kennel Club February 10 9:30 – 4:30 (plus cleanup after) Sign up by Feb 7! Here is the sign-up link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084FACAD29AAF8C07-47415427-agility We will have a potluck – build your own cold […]


4-H Announcements 1/26/2024

4-H PROJECT SELECTION DEADLINE IS JANUARY 31st 4-H Projects are subject areas you would like to learn more about and help prepare you for your fair entries. Fair entry does not take place until June. Email Dana.berger@wisc.edu with any questions. DAIRY PROJECT MEETING THIS SUNDAY DAIRY PROJECT YOUTH ARE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND! We need […]


4-H FUN DAY 4-H FUN DAY takes place on February 3rd! DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS TODAY (1/19)! Forms need to be to the Extension Office by 4:30 PM Registration form can be downloaded at:  https://winnebago.extension.wisc.edu/files/2023/12/Registration-Form-2024.pdf ALL COUNTY 4-H MEETING January 23, 2024 at 7PM at JPCC ALL CLUBS/GROUPS MUST SEND REPRESENTATIVE TO ATTEND! Topics of discussion: […]


4-H Announcements 1/12/2024

4-H FUN DAY 4-H FUN DAY takes place on February 3rd! Registration form can be downloaded at: https://winnebago.extension.wisc.edu/files/2023/12/Registration-Form-2024.pdf WELCOME IAN OLSZEWSKI Ian attends UW Oshkosh and majors in Human Service Leadership. He will be a part time spring semester intern for our county’s 4-H program beginning in February. Ian has 4-H experience and was an active […]

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Grandparent Support Group Position Posting:

Paid Volunteer Childcare Provider We are looking to create a qualified pool of 4 – 6 caregivers (adults, age 18 years and older) for one evening per month throughout the school year.  Any qualified applicant would be part of a team of professionals supervising and interacting with several children (ages 0 – 16 years) for […]


4-H Announcements 1/5/2023

4-H FUN DAY 4-H FUN DAY takes place on February 3rd! Registration form can be downloaded at: https://winnebago.extension.wisc.edu/files/2023/12/Registration-Form-2024.pdf 4-H WINTER LEADERSHIP CAMP REGISTRATION IS OPEN Registration Closes JANUARY 12th, 2024 February 9-11th at Spencer Lake in Waupaca For youth in grades 7th and up| Cost $170 per youth. Up to 50% reimbursement is available through the Winnebago […]