4-H Announcements

WINNECONNE HOLIDAY PARADE Join the 4-H Ambassadors and march in the Winneconne Holiday Parade this weekend! December 9th Decorating: meet at Jim Selle’s farm at 2:30PM – 5310 Hwy 116 (no house on the property) Parade: Line up at 4PM by Marble Park. Parade starts at 4:30PM 4-H WINTER LEADERSHIP CAMP REGISTRATION IS OPEN Registration […]


4-H Announcements 12/1/2023

Haul out the holly…it’s December 1st! Here are some 4-H updates… HOLIDAY PARADE FOR PARKVIEW Join Ridgeway on December 3rd for a holiday car parade for Parkview Healthcare Center.  ONLY 3 SPOTS OPEN FOR THE 4-H HOLIDAY COOKIE EXCHANGE! December 10th at JPCC from 3-5PM.  Bring 4 dozen of one type of cookie or bar to exchange. Bring 20 […]


4-H Announcements

4-H SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS If you are in high school and interested in becoming a 2024 4-H Summer Camp counselor, please reserve December 10th from 1-2:30 PM in your calendar! Interviews will look a little different this year (and will be fun)! Application materials are due December 1st and can be found at: https://winnebago.extension.wisc.edu/4h/camp/ FREE MEAT ANIMAL PROJECT BOX AVAILABLE! Do […]


4-H Announcements 11/17/2023

RE-ENROLLMENT CLOSES NOV 20TH Only 3 days left! YOUTH THRIVE SURVEY This fall, Wisconsin 4-H will be encouraging members (ages 13-18) to complete a survey about their 4-H experience. The survey will help Wisconsin 4-H to learn about the quality of our programs. The survey will be sent to all Wisconsin 4-H members by e-mail […]


4-H Announcements 1/3/2023

THERE IS STILL TIME TO SIGN UP FOR PIZZA MAKING! Pizza making is November 4th. Sign up to help assemble pizzas at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050c4ca9ad2cabfc1-fall2#/ YOUTH THRIVE SURVEY This fall, Wisconsin 4-H will be encouraging members (ages 13-18) to complete a survey about their 4-H experience. The survey will help Wisconsin 4-H to learn about the quality of […]

Photo of vegetables

Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: A Newsletter for Those who Preserve Food at Home (November/December 2023)

Pumpkins Galore! Pumpkin bread, muffins, soup, desserts and beverages are very popular in the fall and winter. Pumpkins technically are a type of squash in the Cucurbitaceae family, which includes cucumbers, melons and about 800 other “plant cousins.” They are botanically considered “fruits” even though some are used as vegetables on menus. Pumpkin and winter squash have […]


4-H Announcements 10/27/2023

CLOVERBUD BLAST DEADLINE IS TODAY! We had a blast at Cloverbud Camp, and now it is time to reconnect with more of our Cloverbud friends for another great day of fun! Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 5, 1:00-3:00pm. There will be fun games, creative crafts and loads of fun. There will be a special ceremony to […]


4-H Announcements 10/20/23

RE-ENROLL NOW! All youth and volunteers can re-enroll for the 2023-24 4-H program year. Please see the attached informational guide about re-enrollment.  Re-enrollment closes on Nov 20th. NOV/DEC 4-H NEWSLETTER ARTICLES DUE TODAY! If your club or group has an article, event or club minutes to share in our newsletter, please email them to dana.berger@wisc.edu no later than October 20th. […]


“Fast Pitch” Event for Entrepreneurs

Do you have a game-changing business idea? Are you working on a business but could use an extra push? Well, here is your chance to pitch it and take it to the next level! Apply to compete in the Fast Pitch, one of six local pitch contests in the New North Pitch Series. Entrepreneurs selected […]