Check out the September/October 2022 issue of the Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe newsletter developed by the University of Missiouri Extension. Topics included in this issue:
Store your canned good properly!
If you have gone through all the effort to can your garden’s harvest, be sure you take the time to also store your canned goods safely and properly. Doing so will ensure you not only have a tasty product to enjoy, but also (and more importantly) a safe product to enjoy! Follow these recommendations for safely storing your canned goods.
Drying Apples
Canning, freezing, and pickling are standard food preservation practices, and during Fall, dehydration is a common preservation method specifically for apples. Dehydration removes moisture from food to ensure bacteria, mold, and yeast cannot grow. Successful dehydration involves low heat and humidity and proper air circulation. Dried apples are delicious in salads and excellent snacks. Learn a few tips for ensuring dried apples are delicious and safe to eat.
Stay up to date with these Food Safety and COVID-19 resource pages:
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