Spring Parenting & Family Relationships Classes Available

Discover our fantastic parenting and family relationship classes this March, April, and May!

Flyer for various parenting and family relationships classes available March - May 2025.

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Available Classes Include:

Every Day Parenting:

  • Raising Wisconsin’s Children: These classes offer practical, research-based ideas to support your parenting and help children grow. March 20, April 17, May 15 | 1 PM
  • Focus on Fathers: Join us for discussions on parenting, family life and how to handle modern challenges. March 11, April 8, May 13 | 6 PM
  • Raising a Thinking Child: Raising a Thinking Child is a 6 session program that helps adults build critical thinking, impulse control, problem-solving, and conflict resolution skills in young children. Tuesdays March 11 to April 15 | 9 AM or 6 PM
  • Triple P – Positive Parenting Program: Want simple, proven strategies to create loving bonds with your kids while handling challenging behavior effectively? These classes are for you! For parents and caregivers of kids 0 to 12 years, topics include raising confident, resilient children, managing fighting and aggression, and more! Tuesdays April 8 to April 29 | 9 AM or 6 PM

Couples Relationships:

Family Transitions:

  • Parents Forever: Learn how to lessen the impact of divorce on children, coparent without conflict, and improve self-care to foster resilience. Monthly | Times Vary
  • Resilient Co-Parenting: Join us for ongoing support for your co-parenting journey. March 6, April 3, May 1 | 7:00 PM

Explore the schedule and learn more at parenting.extension.wisc.edu/class-calendar