4-H Leaders’ Association

ALL adult and youth leaders enrolled in Winnebago County 4-H are members of the Leaders’ Association, which gives input on and raises funds for county-wide 4-H programming. The Association elects a Board of Directors who oversee the business of the Association.

Leaders' Association Information

All approved Winnebago County 4-H adult volunteers and youth who are enrolled in the Youth Leadership project automatically become members of the Winnebago County 4-H leaders’ Association.

  • The Association elects a Board of Directors that oversee the business of the Association. 
  • The Association is a WI 4-H chartered group and receives oversight by the UW Madison, Division of Extension, Winnebago County Program Educator.

The Winnebago County 4-H Leaders’ Association works together to:

  • Raise funds to support 4-H programming such as
    • Summer camp
    • 4-H state and county educational travel experiences
    • Project workshops and events (i.e. Fun Day)
    • Youth leadership opportunities
    • Youth and adult recognition
    • Expanding access to programming
  • Develop and run annual youth programming and events such as
    • 4-H Fun Day
    • Halloween Skating Party
    • Youth Awards Ceremony
  • Evaluate and adopt policies as related to the Winnebago County 4-H Leaders’ Association
  • Expand access, visibility and promote 4-H within our county
  • Encourage youth -adult partnerships in learning and leadership skills

At All-County Meetings of the Association, the Board of Directors and Extension 4-H staff will update all leaders on the work they’ve been doing on behalf of the Association:

  • The 4-H Extension staff will provide education, training and resources to support leaders in their efforts.
  • The Association will vote on any major changes to the Association’s activities, give input on new topics of discussion, and share concerns on behalf of the membership.
  • All 4-H members, families and leaders are welcome to attend Association meetings to get information and provide input.

Leaders’ Association Bylaws

Meetings of the Association are held three times/year in January, April and August on the 4th Tuesday of the month. (Please see our 4-H Calendar of Events for dates, location, agendas, etc.)

Board of Directors Information

The Board of Directors oversee the business of the 4-H Leaders’ Association. Adult Directors (min of 10, max of 12) serve a 3 year term—they can be re-elected for a 2nd term but then must leave the board for at least 1 year. Youth Directors (min of 2, max of 4) serve a one year term. Elections for open Director positions are held annually; all Association members are eligible to vote. Officers of the board are elected annually by the Board of Directors.

Position Description – Board of Directors
The Board of Directors can be contacted by email at: president@winnebago4hleaders.org

Board Officers

Co President:  Herb Numrich

Co President: Mari Oeftger (youth)

Co Vice President:  Nick Hansen

Co Vice President:  Evan Numrich (youth)

Co Secretary:  Nancy Pieper

Co Secretary:  Anna Thiemke (youth)

Treasurer: Joe Kuehnl

Book Keeper: Jill Petersen

Board Members

Kay Lettau

Elise Echola Smith

Lisa Dauntes

Anne Zillges

Madison Oeftger

*The Treasurer of the Association is a volunteer who is not elected and not a voting member of the board. The treasurer manages the finances of the Association; the Finance Committee manages the Association’s budget (making recommendations on spending and fundraising to the Association).

2025 Winnebago County 4-H Leaders’ Association Committee Membership

Finance (Elected)Executive (Elected)EndowmentBanquetNominating
Steve Thiemke (Chair)Herb Numrich (Chair)Elise Echola SmithNancy PieperEvan Numrich
Nick HansenSteve ThiemkeMadison OeftgerMadison OeftgerMadison Oeftger
Anne ZillgesLisa DauntesMari OeftgerMari OeftgerMari Oeftger
Nancy PieperAnna Thiemke
Elise Echola SmithAnne Zillges
Lisa Dauntes
Nancy Pieper
Basket RaffleDipperPizza MakingSkating PartySunshine
Kay LettauHerb NumrichKay LettauLisa DauntesNancy Pieper
Elise Echola SmithScott RichterSteve ThiemkeBrenda NuiteHerb Numrich
Lisa DauntesEvan NumrichNick Hansen
Lilly PlungyJoe Kuehnl
Madison OeftgerAnna Thiemke
Mari Oeftger


  • Project Events/Materials
  • County 4-H Events
  • Various 4-H Camps
  • Annual Halloween Roller-Skating Party & other FUN events
  • Member & Leader Awards and Recognition
  • State, National, and International Leadership opportunities for your youth

Click below for details on each of our fundraisers!

Pizza Sale

Basket Raffle

The Dipper

Barn Quilts