Image of woman and young girl playfully embracing as part of the Raising Wisconsin's Children Conference 2025 flyer. Imbedded link goes to to register.

Register Today for the 2025 Raising Wisconsin’s Conference!

The Raising Wisconsin’s Children Conference is a free, online learning event for parents, teachers, and caregivers of children providing supportive, practical parenting and child development information. Join us in 2025 to unlock the power of social and emotional skills in children and teens! Tuesday, January 28, 2025 8:15 AM – 4:30 PM Virtual on Zoom Warm […]

photo of three kids smiling

Summer Online Parenting Classes

Join free online parenting classes. Connect with other parents. Get practical, positive parenting ideas. Help children grow. Raising WI Children online parenting classes are offered to all parents and caregivers. The following summer classes are available. You may choose to attend one or more of the following sessions: Learn more & register Print or […]

photo of smiling father and child

A Response for Fatherhood: What We Heard from Wisconsin Dads

 A Response for Fatherhood: What We Heard from Wisconsin Dads What does it take to support today’s fathers? How do you define a successful fatherhood? Those are the questions research from UW-Madison Extension is answering with its Wisconsin Fatherhood Need assessment, a report now available here: Extension realized we were not serving fathers in […]

The Strong Couples Program infographic

Strong Couples Program

FREE Relationship Help for Couples in All Life Stages The Strong Couples Program is free! This program is for couples together 6 months or longer, in all life stages. This educational program is NOT counseling. The program teaches couples to use tools to improve their relationship. Benefits to Couples Why should you and your partner […]


Parenting the Preschooler: Responding to Scary Events

Helping Preschoolers Cope with Scary Events We can’t prevent scary events from happening, but we can do our best to know what and how much information our children are being exposed to about the events. Children are often frightened by uncertainty, change, and adult emotional responses. The following tips help children cope during scary times: […]

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Responding to Social Media Threats

Parents and caregivers alike today had to consider their child’s safety as they evaluated the widespread threats of violence on a popular app. Here are several strategies for talking to your children about what they see on social media. Extension has also developed relevant materials that have additional tips for you.


Grief, Loss, and New Traditions During the Holidays

Looking for ways to adjust to a holiday season that just won’t look the same?  Join us for a virtual presentation. Feelings of grief and loss can be particularly strong around the holidays.  The drastic changes to our routine, traditions, and way of life we’ve experienced due to COVID-19 adds another layer to grief and […]


Pandemic Parenting in Wisconsin

New research from the Kerr Parent Lab in the School of Human Ecology details the challenges and opportunities to mental health and well-being that parents have found as they navigate the COVID-19 pandemic with their families. Drawing from a survey of 1,009 parents in late April, when most schools across the U.S. had closed and […]


COVID-19 Co-parenting Tips

The COVID-19 pandemic brings new challenges for parents who do not live in the same house.  During this time of increased anxiety and stress, it is important to work together to parent your children.  Here are a few tips from Dr. Maggie Kerr, State Specialist with UW-Madison, Division of Extension: 1. Communicate Talk with your […]