Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: January/February 2023 Issue

Burning Issue: Canned Soups The winter season means soup season! Enjoying a warm bowl of homemade canned soup is a great way to stay warm and cozy in these cold months. The key to canning a safe, high-quality soup is to follow directions provided by a reliable science-based source such as USDA, the National Center […]

Image of food in slow cooker and text that says Cook and Serve. Reheat leftovers to 165 degrees Fahrenheit in the microwave. Then keep them hot in a slow cooker.

Cook and Serve

Preheat leftovers to 165 degrees Fahrenheit in the microwave, then keep them hot in a slow cooker. Learn more at,stays%20at%20140%20%C2%B0F. #NCRFoodSafety

Turkey: 5 Ways to Enjoy the Flavor of the Season

Turkey: 5 Ways to Enjoy the Flavor of the Season

This week, many Americans will gather together with friends and family to celebrate Thanksgiving. When the fun is done, you may be left with more turkey than you anticipated. If you are looking for healthy ways to serve leftover turkey, nutritionists offer some ideas that align with the Dietary Guidelines. MyPlate Kitchen recipes have been developed […]

Image of food in containers inside refrigerator and text that says Divide and Chill. Divide hot foods into shallow containers for faster cooling.

Divide and Chill

Divide hot foods into shallow containers for faster cooling. Learn more at #NCRFoodSafety


Food Safety for ‘Planned Overs’

Have you heard the saying that a meal can be better when it’s reheated and served the next day?  As long as we follow a few food safety steps, those ‘planned overs’ will be both healthy and delicious. Cook Food Safely.  The first step in having safe ‘planned overs’ is cooking the food safely.  If […]


Keep Black Friday for Shopping by Handling Thanksgiving Leftovers Safely

No one wants to have to have holiday time overshadowed by a foodborne illness, especially after the Thanksgiving day feast.  There are some easy steps to keeping the ‘happy’ in holidays: Keep food out of the Danger Zone: Bacteria grow rapidly between the temperatures of 40°F and 140°F.  That is what is referred to as […]