Back-to-School: Lesson #1

In time for Food Safety Education Month (September) and back-to-school, the USDA has issued back-to-school food safety tips focused on….hand washing.  Why is Lesson #1 Hand Washing?  According to Dr. Mindy Brashears, USDA Under-Secretary for Food Safety, USDA research has found that consumers fail to properly wash their hands 97% of the time.  “Washing hands is one […]


Consumers Need Wake-Up Call About Potential Dangers of Flour

Courtesy Food Safety News A recent posting in Food Safety News tells a common tale: “She’s in the kitchen happily enough making some chocolate chip cookies.  Happy because her family loves them but also happy because she loves nibbling on some of the raw cookie dough.  It’s something she’s done ever since she was old enough […]


Centers for Disease Control warns of Salmonella linked to backyard flocks

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has announced a national investigation into Salmonella infections from backyard flocks.  As of June, there were 279 people across 41 states who have been infected!  Of the 152 patients for whom the information is available, more than a fourth had to be admitted to hospitals because their symptoms were so severe. Since 2000, […]


Why is Blanching Recommended when Freezing Vegetables?

A short heat process known as blanching is generally recommended before freezing of vegetables.  Some canning recipes also call for a short blanching, or heating, step prior to placing vegetables into the jar.  Blanching helps to stabilize the color, especially of peas and other green vegetables, and it protects flavor and texture.  Blanching also helps to cleanse […]


Canned Fruits and Vegetables are a Good Choice

The majority of Americans do not consume enough fruits and vegetables.  In fact, only 33% of Americans consume the recommended amount of fruits and only 27% consume the recommended amount of vegetables.  A study shows that canned fruits and vegetables can help bridge the dietary gap. Popular media often emphasizes the point that only fresh fruits and […]


Holiday Baking: Say NO to Raw Dough!

It’s the season for holiday baking, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) warns consumers not to consume raw dough this holiday season or at any other time of the year.  When you prepare homemade cookie dough, cake mixes, or even bread, you may be tempted to taste a bite before it is fully cooked.  Steer […]


To Eat or Not to Eat: Decorative Products on Foods Can be Unsafe

Edible glitter cake balls Baking fancy cookies and cakes for the holidays?  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants you to know that some glitters and dusts promoted for use in foods may, in fact, contain materials that should not be eaten.  Many decorative glitters and dusts are sold over the Internet and in craft and bakery […]


Guidelines for Consuming Late Season Produce Exposed to Floodwater

Heavy rains and the flowing waters that result can contaminate plants growing in the garden and create a food safety hazard.  As floodwater moves into your garden, it can carry raw sewage overflow, farm and domestic animal waste, river or pond water, and agricultural run-off, all of which can be sources of human pathogens such […]


Fruits and Vegetables – Healthy Many Ways!

Lorre Kolb’s interview with Barb Ingham, UW-Extension Food Scientist with the Department of Food Science at the UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. TRANSCRIPT Lorre Kolb: Eating healthy; including more fruits and vegetables in your diet. We’re visiting today with Barb Ingham, Extension Food Safety Specialist, Department of Food Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison/Extension, in the College […]


Tips for Keeping Your Family Safe from Foodborne Illnesses

Barb Ingham, UW-Extension Food Scientist Department of Food Science UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences TRANSCRIPT Lorre Kolb: Outbreaks linked to fresh produce. We’re visiting today with Barb Ingham, Extension Food Safety Specialist, Department of Food Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison/Extension, in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, and I’m Lorre Kolb. Barb, why are […]